Blockchain Customer Service Revolution

Revolutionizing Customer Service in Blockchain

July 31, 2024β€’7 min read

In today's landscape, customer service IS the Achilles' heel for many blockchain, NFT, and crypto projects.

The current fallback method, often poorly attended Discord channels, or spammy telegram channels, falls short of user expectations.

The average retail user is weary of downloading another platform and signing up for another service just to access basic help. Plus, we're past the initial hype and novelty of mobile phones, so it's time to evolve our approaches.

If Web 3.0 is truly about revolutionizing the digital experience, it's time for us to consider how we can innovate beyond these outdated, and clunky methods.

Discord Channels: An Ineffective Stopgap

While Discord is a popular choice for community building, it is not an ideal customer service platform. Users are often left frustrated, sifting through chaotic threads and delayed responses, ultimately leaving them without the support they need.

Discord Nerdz

Don't fall into the discord and telegram solves everything trap.

According to a 2021 survey by PwC, 48% of users cited a lack of understanding as the primary barrier to adopting blockchain technology. This gap highlights the need for more accessible and user-friendly support systems.

The User's Perspective

For the average user, downloading and navigating Discord can be cumbersome and off-putting. The need to juggle multiple platforms for support creates a fragmented, inefficient, and frankly off-putting experience.

This friction can drive users away from your project, undermining your user acquisition efforts, and leave your otherwise promising start-up in a ditch somewhere...

A Microsoft report in 2020 revealed that 58% of customers will sever their relationship with a business due to poor customer service experiences. This statistic underscores the critical importance of effective customer support in retaining users.

The alternative is to continually waste your marketing budget to bring in a steady flow of uninterested customers, increasing your customer churn and negatively impacting your profit margins.

You're a start-up, or early-stage blockchain / crypto project, in an already volatile, and young industry. It's in your best interest to stand on business in these areas, and ensure your project retains users for a longer period of time.

The Call for Robust Customer Service Systems

The primary aim of blockchain technology is decentralization, but this does not negate the necessity for effective customer service.

Projects must strive to deliver seamless, user-friendly support systems that cater to a diverse user base, or risk restricting their main audience to a highly technical and well informed, but often socially awkward user base.

According to Salesforce's 2020 State of the Connected Customer report, 84% of customers said the experience a company provides is as important as its products and services.

However, if your target audience is highly specialized because of the specific product or service your crypto project provides, then you can ignore this article and the points herein.

Integrating Customer Service into Web 3.0

Multichannel Support: Offering support across multiple platforms such as email, live chat, and social media to meet users where they are. This reduces the need for users to download new apps or navigate unfamiliar systems. It also shows that you actually care about the user experience, and are not just another pump and dump.

24/7 Availability: Implement AI-driven chatbots trained on your project information that can handle routine queries around the clock, but ensure there's a clear escalation path to human support for more complex issues.

Ai customer service

Find meaningful ways to effectively integrate AI to solve these very issues.

A Gartner study in 2021 showed that improving customer support can increase user adoption rates by up to 33%.

Comprehensive Knowledge Base: Develop a user-friendly, searchable knowledge base with clear, concise articles and video tutorials designed for the complete beginner mind. This empowers newer users to find answers quickly without needing to contact support.

Nielsen Norman Group's 2019 report found that 57% of users experience frustration when content is too complex.

Personalized Support: Utilize user data to provide tailored support experiences. Recognizing repeat issues and proactively addressing them can significantly enhance user satisfaction.

UTILIZE THE TECHNOLOGY: In the blockchain space, we have the ability to create tokens that genuinely add value to the user in various ways, especially when we build true utility and value into our tokenomics model. I won't say more, but if you're truly savvy, and innovative you'll get what I'm hinting at. πŸ˜‰πŸ€‘

Beyond Novelty: Meaningful AI Integration

Now, let's put AI on the grill. Many AI projects in the customer service space provide little more than novelty value. And businesses are getting caught out left right and centre. To truly revolutionize customer service, AI must offer tangible benefits.

While the benefits of AI are significant, there are challenges such as the need for skilled personnel to manage AI systems and the complexity of integrating these technologies into your existing customer service frameworks.

This is where you'll need to put on your thinking cap, and engage the mental, and potentially battle between long-term sustainability of your project, or trying to live off momentary market hype.

"Successful AI deployment requires ongoing investment, learning, and improvement, and businesses must strategically align AI tools with their customer engagement goals to maximize the benefits.​" - McKinsey & Company

Overall, AI in customer service is not just about automating tasks but about actually enhancing the quality and experience of customer interactions, which, when done correctly, can lead to higher satisfaction, reduced costs, and better customer retention.

"For businesses looking to implement AI, it’s crucial to start with clear goals and a well-thought-out strategy to ensure a smooth integration and maximum ROI."​ - Intercom,​​​.

Effective AI Implementation

What follows are some general pointers to help you get some context around what is involved in effectively implementing AI in your blockchain project for the opus magnum in customer experience.

Natural Language Processing (NLP): Advanced NLP can help AI understand and respond to user queries more accurately, improving the overall support experience. This means when you train your chatbots, include a natural and personal tone.

AI model

Train your AI agents to communicate naturally.

Avoid feeding it dry technical data, that is removed from the users context and potential state of mind when they are making different enquiries.

Sentiment Analysis: Use sentiment analysis to detect user frustration and escalate to human agents as quickly as possible when necessary. This ensures issues are resolved efficiently, and cultivates a more personal level of trust in the customer towards your business.

Predictive Support: Implement AI to predict common issues based on user behaviour, and other common and predictable issues. Proactively offer solutions before users encounter problems, this can be done through various forms that are adapted to your specific user base, and their preferred method of consuming information.

Conclusion: The Future of Customer Service in Web 3.0

To truly fulfil the promise of Web 3.0, we must move beyond clunky support methods and short-lived hype as the main channels for maintaining our communities.

We need to embrace the technology available to us and combine it with innovative thinking focused on a user-centric, customer satisfaction approach. Otherwise we may just miss out on the real impact our technology, and projects can truly have on the world.

Effective support is not just a nice-to-have; it's a critical component of user satisfaction and retention. So, by implementing robust customer service systems, we can ensure that users feel valued, supported, and confident in engaging with our blockchain, defi, and NFT projects.

The goal is clear:

Revolutionize customer service to match the revolutionary spirit of blockchain technology. In other words, "keep that same energy". So, lets find ways to create a supportive ecosystem that is decentralized, efficient, and prioritizes the user's comfort and ease of comprehension.


PwC Report - Here
Microsoft Stats - Here

Salesforce Report - Here

Gartner Study - Here

Stand on business (modern slang) - Here

Neilsen Norman Group's Report (not the exact one, but closely related) - Here

McKinsey & Company Report - Here

Intercom Article - Here

Yellow Article - Here

Full-stack blockchain developer and Web3 / Tokenization consultant

Rich-Allee Antonio John

Full-stack blockchain developer and Web3 / Tokenization consultant

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