Dealership McLaren

Why Your Auto Dealership Needs a Social Media Presence

August 20, 20245 min read

Current Problems Dealerships Face with Clunky or Outdated Websites and Contact Forms

Many automotive dealerships struggle with outdated digital infrastructure. This ranges from clunky websites, slow loading times, and cumbersome contact forms which can deter potential customers.

According to a study by Google, 53% of mobile users abandon sites that take longer than three seconds to load. Additionally, a poor user experience can lead to a higher bounce rate and lost sales opportunities.


Outdated contact forms that require excessive information or are difficult to navigate / find can frustrate potential leads.

According to Forrester Research, improving the user experience can increase conversion rates by up to 400%. Therefore, it is crucial for dealerships to modernize their online presence to meet the expectations of today’s digital-savvy consumers.

Opportunities with Technology and Social Media to Reach Your Specific Audience

Embracing technology and leveraging social media can significantly enhance a dealership's visibility and engagement.

Some of the best performing dealerships, and auto workshops regularly post their activities, including what may seem like mundane activities on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube.

These platforms offer targeted advertising options that allow businesses to reach their specific audience demographics.


According to Hootsuite, 54% of social browsers use social media to research products, including vehicles.

Moreover, platforms like LinkedIn can be used to establish your dealership as a specialist in specific types of vehicles or services.

Combine this with sharing valuable content, engaging with followers, and showcasing your inventory and expertise, your dealership can build a strong online presence and attract more customers.

According to the Pew Research Center, 69% of adults in the U.S. use Facebook, and 37% use Instagram, highlighting the vast potential audience available on these platforms.

Challenges Known to Dealerships with Customer Service, and More

Many dealerships struggle with integrating Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems and maintaining a cohesive digital presence.

While a digital strategy can be useful, if it is fragmented, or disorganised, it can lead to inconsistent customer experiences and missed opportunities.

According to Salesforce, 79% of business buyers say it’s absolutely critical or very important to interact with a salesperson who is a trusted advisor, not just a sales rep.


In addition to CRM challenges, maintaining a responsive and engaging digital presence across multiple platforms can be overwhelming.

Effective customer service is another critical area where dealerships often face challenges. With 90% of consumers expecting a consistent interaction across channels (Salesforce), ensuring seamless communication and service is essential.

Potentially Unforeseen Challenges Dealerships Don't Adapt to the Incoming Changes

Failing to adapt to the rapid technological advancements and changes in consumer behaviour can have severe consequences.

Dealerships that fail to modernize their digital presence increasingly risk falling behind competitors who leverage technology to attract and engage customers. And, according to McKinsey, digital automotive retailing could capture up to 30% of the market by 2025.

Unforeseen challenges include:

  • An exponentially rapid loss of market share to more tech-savvy competitors,

  • Decreased customer loyalty,

  • Reduced profitability.

In a digital-first world, customers increasingly expect a seamless online experience, and dealerships, workshops, repair-shops and parts-suppliers that fail to provide this, risk becoming obsolete.

Potential Outcomes of Implementing the Right Technology in the Right Way

Implementing the right technology can transform your dealership.

With the right tools, you can streamline management processes, and ultimately drive more sales.

A well-integrated CRM system, optimized for the automotive industry can enhance customer relationships, improve lead management, and provide valuable insights into customer preferences and behaviours.


An engaging and responsive digital presence can attract more visitors to your website, and increase lead generation, which can boost sales.

Looking to a study by Voice of the Customer, social media integration can lead to a 32% increase in sales productivity.

Additionally, by leveraging technology to automate routine tasks and free up your team to focus on high-value activities, will inevitably lead to increased efficiency and profitability.

By modernizing your digital infrastructure and embracing social media, your dealership can stay ahead of the competition, provide exceptional customer experiences, and enjoy the financial rewards of a streamlined and effective digital strategy.


Considering today's fast-paced digital landscape, it is essential for businesses, especially automotive dealerships to adapt and modernize their digital presence.

By addressing current problems, leveraging social media, overcoming known challenges, and anticipating future changes, your dealership can thrive for the long-term.

Implementing the right technology in the right way will not only solve real problems but also streamline management processes, allowing you to sell more and enjoy your success. Don’t get left behind – embrace the digital revolution and watch your dealership soar.

If you're an auto dealership, or involved in the automotive industry, and you want to learn more, feel free to reach out to us for a free consultation to see how we can help transform your online presence and streamline your automotive management processes.

We offer:

  • A customizable CRM, to allow you to streamline, monitor, your digital presence.

  • A centralized dashboard to monitor and engage with all customer communications, use our mobile app to stay in touch while you're not at the desk!

  • Set-up automated email and SMS marketing campaigns, with open and click rate monitoring.

  • Get access to a dedicated digital marketing specialist and a full-stack web-developer to help you get set-up with the platform

  • Ongoing, on-demand support to ensure that your management process, STAY streamlined.

  • Monitor your ads, social media post performance and gather valuable, actionable insights for optimization and expansion.

  • Monthly strategy sessions to keep you and your team up-to-speed on the latest relevant market trends and best-practices.

    Click Here to learn more!


  1. Google. (2021). "The Need for Mobile Speed: How Mobile Latency Impacts Publisher Revenue."

  2. Forrester Research. (2020). "The Business Impact of Customer Experience."

  3. Hootsuite. (2023). "Social Media Trends."

  4. Pew Research Center. (2021). "Social Media Use in 2021."

  5. Salesforce. (2022). "State of the Connected Customer."

  6. McKinsey & Company. (2021). "The Future of Automotive Retail."

  7. Voice of the Customer. (2020). "The Value of Social Media Integration."

  8. Reddit. Why are dealership websites so terrible?

Full-stack blockchain developer and Web3 / Tokenization consultant

Rich-Allee Antonio John

Full-stack blockchain developer and Web3 / Tokenization consultant

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